
Showing 1–9 of 31 results

  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Basic Entry Part 1

    The concept of this series is that this is not a self-defense series. This is an offensive series that teaches you how to give an attacker a reason to stop.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Basic Entry Part 2

    Episode 2: Continues with the concept of linear and circular attacks. This video identifies the most dangerous parts of a punch, preventing the attacker from throwing another strike and more.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Basic Entry Part 3

    Episode 3 concentrates on the concept of funneling. Funneling is an advanced method of redirection where the opponent is guided into our best techniques.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Basic Entry Part 4

    Episode 4 discusses establishing your base in order to defend yourself. Basic Entry part 4 also teaches focusing on the center of mass to anticipate the attacker’s movement.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Bear Hug Free

    Episode 11: Bear Hug Free is the 8th technique in the system. Bear Hug Free addresses techniques to defend against a person grabbing you when they do not get a hold of your arms.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Bear Hug Pinned

    Episode 12: Bear Hug Pinned addresses techniques to defend against a person grabbing you and getting a hold on your arms by breaking down someone’s base.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Break Falls

    Episode 8: This video addresses falling from the front, back, left and right sides. Also addressed is the strategy on how to get back to your feet.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Collapsing The Bridge

    Episode 21: Collapsing The Bridge is the eighteenth technique in the system. It is a defense against a one-armed grab and is one of Mark O’Dell’s favorite techniques.
  • Mark-ODell-White-Tiger-Kenpo

    Crash Of The Eagle

    Episode 7: Crash of the Eagle is the fourth technique in the system. There are four variations that teach different ways of finishing the technique.