Yellow to Orange Belt

Showing all 4 results

  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Basic Blocks Orange Belt

    Episode 2 covers 6 different defenses against a punch and introduces two defenses against a double punch.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Basic Kicks & Defense Against Kicks

    Episode 1 begins with more kicks including a knee strike, sidekick, a roundhouse kick, sitting roundhouse, and a sitting heel outside kick.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Falling Techniques

    This video includes falling techniques from both an orange and purple belt levels. These techniques include rolling to a stop, rolling to a standing position and a high fall.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Wrist Grab Defense

    Episode 3 introduces 6 different defenses against a wrist grab that use twisting techniques to break the opponent’s grab.