Orange to Purple Belt

Showing all 5 results

  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Cross Hand Grab Defense

    Episode 4 introduces six new defenses against a cross hand grab. These techniques utilize leverage and joint locking to break the opponent’s grab and follow up with a strike.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Defense Against Punching

    Episode 3 introduces three new defenses against a stepping punch. Theses defenses build upon material covered in another series.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Free Fighting Techniques

    These are techniques to use when both opponents are already engaging in a fight. These techniques include twisting techniques, a leg sweep and more!
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Kicks – Purple Belt

    Episode 1 begins with more kicks including a heel outside kick, back kick, jump front kick, jump sidekick, and a jump roundhouse.
  • Tim-Bright-Hapkido

    Self Defense Against Kicks

    Episode 2 covers multiple twisting and striking defenses against front kicks, side kicks, and roundhouse kicks.