Muay Thai

Showing all 4 results

  • Charan-Dancer-Muay-Thai


    Episode 2 continues with one of the basic fundamentals of Muay Thai – the knees. This video demonstrates the long knee, side knee, and short knee..
  • Charan-Dancer-Muay-Thai

    Muay Thai Clinch

    Episode 3 demonstrates the Muay Thai clinch and utilizing it to use the short knee. The clinch is broken down in great detail with the emphasis on form.
  • Charan-Dancer-Muay-Thai

    Power Kick

    Episode 4 demonstrates the power kick – or Muay Thai Up Kick. This video focuses on the part of the body to use in the kick versus the parts not to use.
  • Charan-Dancer-Muay-Thai

    The 1-2-3 Combination

    This video introduces the 1-2 combination as well as the 1-2-3 combination and breaks down the importance of hip movement and the leg check.